The global Halal market is valued at about US$2.77 trillion and is one of the fastest-growing global consumer markets. The worldwide Halal food market alone is worth an estimated US$650 billion or more and is close to 17 percent of the global food industry – presenting a major global opportunity. According to figures from United Nations and IMF, between 1990 and 2010, GDP per capita for Muslims worldwide has grown at the Cumulative Annual Growth Rate of 6.8% thereby, because it is largely young and part of an emerging middle class on the road to greater consumption, the Muslim market is particularly attractive to a variety of companies. Undeniably, the growth of the Halal consumer market in all sectors, including food, tourism, cosmetics, finance, medicines, packaging, and clothing, is thriving and represents a significant potential for international companies.

Since its establishment, the field of Halal has been one of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) research niche areas. USIM has published many Halal research papers, developed halal products/food and have been conducting Halal courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as industrial players. USIM also collaborated with many local and international organizations in Halal research, consultancies, trainings, and discussions.

This 2nd International Halal Management Conference (IHMC), ‘Sustaining Global Halal Ecosystem’, organized by Faculty of Economics and Muamalat (FEM), USIM in collaboration with Maldives Centre for Islamic Finance (MCIF) and the Maldives National University (NMU)  will be held in Maldives on 17 and 18 July 2018. It seeks to provide a platform for researchers and academic scientists to present and discuss recent halal research issues, development, and findings