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Faculty of
Economics and Muamalat (FEM)
Pursuing the efforts in the integration of the Naqli and Aqli knowledge in producing knowledgeable, competent,
creative and trustworthy Muslim professionals in the field of Islamic Economics and Muamalat. Be part of our faculty through
various academic programs, community engagement, academic and industrial collaboration. Welcome to FEMily.
Facts & Figures
* Data as of 28/09/2022
What it means to be FEMily
Our vision is to bolster the desire to uphold knowledge and produce
individuals that have undergone a strong Islamic education who are able to contribute to society,
the country and the world at large. Our mission si to be a Faculty thatis preferred and referred to the field of Islamic
Economics and Muamalat through a program of study that meets the needs ofstakeholders as well as academic
output that is relevant to the needs of the community.

Click here to meet our staffs and field expert

5 undergraduate programs
7 postgraduate programs

Click here for our research and publications
Frequently Asked Questions
USIM tidak lagi membuat pengambilan bagi Skim Tutor susulan pemansuhan skim ini pada tahun 2012.
Kekosongan jawatan akan diiklankan melalui akhbar utama atau hebahan di dalam laman website USIM. Permohonan hendaklah dibuat secara atas talian melalui sistem e-IRIS dalam tempoh dua (2) minggu daripada tarikh iklan.
Menghantar Curriculum Vitae berserta dokumen yang lengkap (maklumat peribadi dan sijil-sijil akademik) kepada
Sekiranya terdapat kekosongan jawatan pentadbiran (Pekerja Sambilan Harian), pihak FEM akan iklankan melalui media sosial FEM (Facebook dan Instagram FEM).
Facebook FEM :
Instagram FEM :
Boleh hubungi pejabat pentadbiran FEM melalui no. talian seperti berikut:
Pejabat | No. Tel. Pejabat |
Pejabat Dekan | 06-7986301 |
Akademik | 06-7986308 / 86304 |
Pentadbiran | 06-7986306 / 86405 |
Graduate School Of Muamalat (GSM) | 06-7978663 / 78664 |
Your Content Goes Here
Isnin – Khamis
(kecuali Cuti Umum) |
8.30 pagi – 1.00 petang
2.00 petang – 5.00 petang |
(kecuali Cuti Umum) |
8.30 pagi – 12.15 tengah hari
2.45 petang – 5.00 petang |