Faculty of Economics and Muamalat, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) has organized the 8th Islamic Banking, Accounting and Finance Conference (iBAF) 2018 at Adya Hotel, Langkawi, Malaysia from 25 to 26 October 2018. The 8th iBAF 2018 theme is “Financial Technology the Future for A Sustainable and Resilient Islamic Banking and Finance”. This seminar is held once every two years and amongst its objectives is to catalyze on policy, strategy and action plans in banking, finance and accounting based on Shariah principles and laws; mobilizing all resources and experts to disseminate information on the opportunities and potentials of Islamic banking and finance.
Keynote Speaker: Datuk Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar, Professorial Chair in Islamic Finance and Banking of Yayasan Tun Ismail Mohamed Ali (YTI)-Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB).
Conference Name: 8THIslamic Accounting and Finance 2018 (iBAF 2018)
Conference Date: 25TH-26TH October 2018
Venue: Adya Hotel,Langkawi, Malaysia
Conference Theme: Financial Technology the Future for A Sustainable and Resilient Islamic Banking, Accounting and Finance
Conference Publication:
- All accepted papers will be published in e-proceeding with e-ISBN number.
- Selected papers will be published in refereed journals.
- Papers written in English, Arabic and Malay are accepted.